Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So Far So Good!

This past Saturday evening I competed in the Boston University Terrier Invitational running the 5,000 meter. This race was further confirmation that my work with ChiRunning and Kripalu Yoga is paying off.

Although I am only runnng about 30-40 miles a week with no workouts I still managed to run a 4 second personal best for 5,000 meters with a time of 15:24 (4:57 mile pace). My previous best came four years ago when I was still in college and training much more traditionally.

It is comforting to me to know that I am still improving as a runner. Sometimes you have to take a step back (see my last post) to move forward.

It is still cold and we are supposed to get pounded with snow again tomorrow making training more difficult. I will continue to train in a way that works for me and look forward to setting several more PRs throughout the course of 2009.

Monday, January 19, 2009

So Far...so good?

Quick update on my racing this year:

2 3,000 meter indoor track races. One in 8:52 and the second in 9:03 (only two races into the year and i'm already going backwards!)

The first one was at the B.U. mini meet. I hung around the back of the pack the whole way and just coasted in at 8:52. I felt like I wasn't trying that hard and didn't make the extra effort to challenge myself.

The second one came at the Greater Boston invite and was completely opposite to the first one. The pace went out too slow so I took the lead early and pushed myself a little bit. I ended up running ten seconds slower than last time and having almost everybody in the heat go by me.

I was happy with how I felt but am still looking to run much faster. Next on my schedule is a 5K at BU. This will be another opportunity to run fast.

Training wise i've been focused on keeping my energy levels high during the cold winter months. For me this means low mileage and a lot of yoga. I'm running just under 40 miles a week with no workouts and the occasional long run. I will not start workouts until it is extremely nice out. Until then I will try to develop leg speed in other ways. I'm not worried about my aerobic system as that is sufficiently trained to handle the speeds I want to run at.

Hopefully more updates to come, including an update after the 5K at BU this weekend.